Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bummer for Me!

I can't post any new pix on my site 'til tomorrow night 'cause my Mac crashed and that is where all my new pictures are stored! Dang it! No worries, though, as it was only a problem with the battery, so it should be good as new. The other problem I am having is that, when I log onto blogpost, all of my options are in Japanese!! (It could be Chinese or Taiwanese . . . not sure since I can't read ANY of it!!) I was able to limp my way through this post 'cause I kinda remember where all the buttons are! Wish me luck as I try to sort through changing the language back, and stay tuned as I plan to post new pictures by Tuesday.

Have a great day!!!


  1. Do you want me to see if I can find where to change launguage, or are you in search of someone who can read, Chinese, Tiwainese Japanese,,,etc....

  2. No! Say it isn't so! Macs aren't supposed to crash! Glad to hear it was just a battery problem. Hope you're up and at it soon. And I'm glad to know you're a member of the Apple "cult." : ) You're my kinda gal!

  3. I actually FIXED the language problem (it was just a matter of "guessing" which button was the right one, since I couldn't read 'em!). My Mac should be coming home later today, so I'll see what I can do! (No worries, Carole, you are right - it didn't really CRASH, pre se, the battery just went wonky . . .)
