Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 MDS Family Calendar - Part 3

As promised, here are the last four pages of my 2012 Family Calendar. I love it when you get that sense of accomplishment after you've made something that you feel has turned out close to what you had envisioned!! Technology has made this project so easy and fun ... we've come a long way, baby!!

SEPTEMBER - This month contains several more pictures taken during our family's "apple-pressing day" in Alpine (with another Heather-Summers-inspired layout). We had a hard time finding a day that would work this year in October, so we were pushed to November ... it was c-c-c-COLD!! Doesn't matter, though ... we enjoyed ourselves, anyway!

OCTOBER - These were pictures I took at our Thanksgiving Day feast!! (Notice my nephews' "Novembeards"??) My cute niece, Melissa, looks soooo adorably pregnant ... hard to believe she still had FOUR weeks to go by the looks of that baby bump!! (Not sure what I woulda done with the inspiration I grabbed from Heather Summers' creations ... I was feeling stale and she breathed some new life into me!!)

NOVEMBER - The Weixlers are an extremely musical bunch. Every year on the second Sunday in December we have a family music program. It is such a wonderful event ... and everyone brings LOTS of delicious goodies (I traditionally bring caramel popcorn ... which my husband reminds me makes a MESS to clean up afterwords, but I don't care as everyone gobbles it up!)

DECEMBER - More singing, a Christmas Nativity, family and FOOD on Christmas Eve ... I am so blessed to have such an amazing family ...

In answer to another question I received about my calendars ... I DO bind my own. I decided several years back that it would be cheaper to just bite the bullet and buy a binding machine, as the cost of binding these babies at Kinko's was getting a little ridiculous ... my binding machine paid for itself by the second time I used it!! I purchased it online from Digital Finishing Group. Here is a link to the machine I have:

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Sadly, they don't have pricing listed, so you have to call for a quote. I seem to recall paying something like $120 (it was for sure less than $150!). Not sure what their prices are like now, but this has been a very trusty little machine ... haven't had a moment's trouble with it. It is very reliable.

Smiley from millan.netEXCITING NEWS!!! I have a REALLY AWESOME announcement to share with y'all tomorrow, so be sure to come back ... the only hint I can give you is that my BFF JanTink and I have put our heads together (which could be dangerous, RIGHT??)

1 comment:

  1. I've just started an 18 year scrapbook for my granddaughter's graduation party next June. Thanks for all the ideas. Edna
