Monday, March 26, 2012

Flowers and Princesses ...

Have I ever mentioned I love paper crafting??? Stamping? Making STUFF?? I have been soooo out of the loop this past five weeks (lucky for me I had some stuff in my arsenal to share with all y'all, or this blog woulda been EMPTY!). I actually made this card this morning ... dragged myself down to my craft room (which I usually keep pretty clean, but due to the wacko way my life has been is an absolutely TRAIN WRECK!). I didn't even have the obligatory 6"x6" clean spot to work in (so I had to make one!). Yikes!! But at least I got to make a card (and sorry for the over abundance of birthday cards lately ... I have a bunch of family birthdays coming up and need to get on top of it!). This card is a hybrid of a couple of things I saw on Pinterest ... feeling sooo badly that I have NO idea where the inspiration(s) came from, so I have NO idea who to credit!!! Sorry 'bout that!

Stamps: Creative Elements, Petite Pairs
Paper: Cherry Cobbler, Crumb Cake, Soft Suede, Whisper White
Ink: Cherry Cobbler, Soft Suede
Accessories: Designer Frames Textured Impressions Embossing Folder, Pearl Basics, Cherry Cobbler Seam Binding

Moms are making progress. My mother in law is doing amazingly well. She should be out of the rehab center by the weekend ... a mere 7 weeks after her terrible fall down the stairs that resulted in many broken bones (including her neck!). She is almost completely weaned from the neck brace. She is such an inspiration with her happy, cheerful attitude and zest for life. I only hope that I can be as awesome as she is at her age when I get there! My own mom is making slow progress, but progress nonetheless. Her body is still pretty wiped out from all she has been through, but I have been able to kidnap her a couple of times and take her to lunch and on a little drive. I think it does her good to get out and see the "real" world from time to time!!

And this little angel put such a smile on my universe this weekend. Sweet little Emma took a tumble down the stairs ("Just like great-grandma!" she says.). Broke both the bones in her forearm. This girl is a princess through and through. She LEAKS pink!! And sparkle!! And all those happy, princess-y things. So everyone was SHOCKED when, after days and days of talking about getting her "pink princess cast" she informed the nurse that she wanted a BLACK one!! WHAT??!!?? We were all soooo confused ... until she mentioned to the nurse that she was gonna make it "sparkly like a princess!" YAY and HOORAY!! I CAN DO THAT!!!

Was sooo excited to have her come over last night so we could hook her up! Her mom and I giggled all the way through the process ... it was so much fun to deck her out!! (See??? Having a nearly unlimited supply of blingy stuff IS essential for those "rainy day" projects that might unexpectedly come up!) I was laughing so much when I took her picture. And just so ya know ... she did not dress up like this to come and visit me so we could bedazzle her cast ... she dresses like this pretty much EVERY stinkin' DAY!!! She and her little sister LOVE to be princesses, that's for sure!! (Don't we ALL??)Smiley from

FYI ... I have NOT forgotten about the little basket tutorial I promised for the project I made for LAST month's Control Freak's Blog Tour. I just haven't been home long enough to actually do it (or if I have been, I've been wiped out and crashed!). I will have it up for ya this week, so stay tuned ... and thanks for being patient with me!! This will be a perfect thing to make for Easter ...

Happy Monday!


  1. Lovely card! I absolutely LOVE the cast!!! You may have started a craze here. What a fabulous idea :)

  2. Love the colors used, love the stamp set and mostly the card.

  3. Hang in there Wendy!!! We don't want you to get sick - take care of yourself!!!
    The card is beautiful, and the cast is...well...princess-E.
    Hugs and prayers for the Moms.

  4. Wendy, love your beautiful card but even mnore I love the way you blinged up Emma's cast. Poor baby! Hope she heals quickly. So glad to hear the mothers are healing. They are an inspiration! I'm sure your visits have helped. You are a good daughter and DIL! So what if your craft space is a mess. You're doing what you need to be doing!

  5. Simply stunning!! It may be 5 weeks, but certainly haven't lost your fab touch!!

  6. Beautful card!!! Love Cherry Cobbler... Great to hear about your MIL...sorry your mom isn't advancing as well, but I agree that at least she is making progress! The adorable princess and her fabulous princess black heal so much faster and she has the fanciest cast I've ever seen!!!
