Sunday, October 12, 2014

Monday Montage #30

I've been having a Monday for, like, three days in a row ... so I guess it's good that we are actually BACK to Monday with the Monday Montage team!! And lemme tell ya ... I had about FIVE Mondays trying to make this week's creation!!

Sooo ... this card is a bunch of lovely fall leaves, right??? Well, it was TRYING to be!!! I was trying to cut some leaves out with my Silhouette ... not even gonna TELL ya how many sets of leaves I TRIED to cut out ... I think they were just too detailed. But I was having MUI-MUI trouble trying to get a decent cut even THROUGH the cardstock!!! Not quite sure WHAT possessed my machine today ... so I opted for feathers instead. And even though I kinda sorta like this card, it is NOT the awesome leaf card I had planned in my head!!! But, since I have done SEVERAL leaf cards lately, this is probably not a bad thing ...

Stamps: Four Feathers, Wetlands
Paper: Whisper White, Crumb Cake
Ink: Bermuda Bay, Crumb Cake
Accessories: Feathers Framelits Dies, Squares Framelits Dies, Natural Chevron Ribbon, Woodgrain Textured Impressions Embossing Folder, Ticket Due Punch, Antique Brad, Stapler, Linen Thread

I'm REALLY hoping to have FEWER Mondays this next week!!! Now that the leaves are all pretty and changing, I'm sure the colors outside are gonna make my week happy, no matter what!!

Click "Back" to see Marvelous Melissa Stout, and/or the "Next" button to see Awesome Amy O'Neill!

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  1. I absolutely love how this came out Wendy!!!! Despite all your e-cutter troubles!

  2. I love this Wendy! The feathers are my favorite right now!

  3. Love your card Wendy! The feathers are beautiful and I love how you scrunched up the chevron ribbon! Beautiful!

  4. As for me, I'm totally digging this beautiful card, Wendy!!

  5. I really like this card, Wendy! I like the feathers instead of leaves. It's a nice change for fall.
