Monday, September 14, 2009

Ahhhh, Heidelberg . . .

Every day I keep thinking, "This has been my FAVORITE place!!" I honestly could not say that one is my most favorite, but the day we spent in Heidelberg yesterday was WONDERFUL!! The schloss in Heidelberg (the castle/palace ruins on the hillside) was just SPECTACULAR!! Our guide at the castle was terrific, and I learned SOOO much!! I could have spent two days there, easily . . .

We also toured the apotheke museum (that would be German for "pharmacy"). I seriously started to get giddy!! I kept thinking, "Holy cow!! Smiley from millan.netA room like this would be a crafter's DREAM!" All those little drawers and shelves!! Ahhhh, Heaven!!!

You can see the schloss (castle) on the hill behind me. The whole entire city was so picturesque and beautiful. Those early Europeans really knew how to choose their real estate, I tell ya!! We have been so fortunate with the weather, also. It was overcast yesterday, but we never really got any rain (which I hear is pretty lucky). So much to see and do that rain could hardly spoil it anyway.

We have seen many castles, palaces and churches. We have also visited many kloisters (monasteries). We went the kloister in Maulbrun a few days ago. Soooo lovely. There was a musical trio practicing in the chapel there (a violin, clarinet and piano) while we were walking around the grounds. Honestly, could it GET any BETTER? Smiley from The music was sooo beautiful and the surroundings were amazing . . . a truly wonderful combination. We saw several wedding parties there as well. What a glorious setting for wedding photographs!!

Ron, Devan and I climbed the hill up to the schloss in Heidelberg. (Our friend, Elke, my father-in-law and mother-in-law all took the tram to the top.) Devan didn't REALLY carry me up the hill . . . we were just mugging for the camera. I need all the exercise I can get, baby! Especially if I keep running into . . .

. . . delicious things to eat like this!! (I got this slice of heavenly cake in Bad Urach!) Smiley from I can say that I have enjoyed every pastry I have eaten (except, of course, for that chocolate-covered snowball thing that tasted like cardboard in the middle - it was the first thing you saw me eating several posts back . . . it's okay, though, 'cause the chocolate on it was good!)

We have been staying with a close friend of our family since Saturday near Karlsruhe (her name is Elke - she is in the picture above). She is the most INCREDIBLE cook!! Better than ANY restaurant we have been in, that's for sure!! She took us to the most glorious park on Saturday afternoon. The flowers and trees were breathtakingly beautiful. I really enjoyed that day as well. There was a palace there and some other really incredible-looking buildings. Lovely sights around every corner . . .

Which brings me to the long-awaited-and-promised UGLIEST card I have EVER made!! I remember having an idea in my head when I made this. Too bad it couldn't get past the brain barrier . . . it seems to have gotten lost somewhere between the picture in my head and the tips of my fingers!! Isn't this just AWFUL??? C'mon, admit it!! It's HIDEOROROUS!! (Good adjective from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with Jim Carrey! LOVE that word!) Smiley from I don't even own that stamp set anymore . . . I shamed it so terribly with this card that I couldn't bring myself to ink it up again . . . EVER!!

I will have a little more to share with you before we fly home on Thursday . . . actually, I could fill PAGES of blog posts with photos, but I will spare ya the slideshow!!! Have a wonderful Monday!!


  1. Well, my friend, looks like you are having a BLAST!! I love how you always include a picture of you with yummy!!! I can not believe you are heading home on Thursday already!! I hope the time goes by slow for you!!!!!

    Talk with you when you return! (((Hugs!!!!!)))

  2. I am really enjoying your pics from GErmany. I am leaving in Dec to visit my daughter stationed in Weisbaden.

  3. How fun! I love looking at all the pics!

  4. Oh My Goodness, Wendy! Your post makes me feel like I've had a vacation myself! What a wonderful collection of photos! Your card is . . . well, I don't understand it. That's all! LOL I love your blog and have bookmarked it return often!

  5. I'm really enjoying all your photos and hope you make a little film of it when you get back and then post it here on your blog. So many beautiful scenes, gardens and all those great pastries...except that one..I love to see folks enjoy food and just let it all hang's been a fun ride..I will miss seeing your pictures of those houses and much history I'm sure.
    Keep showing pics..we are enjoying this trip through you and your pics.


  6. I am thoroughly enjoying your trip through Germany & Austria. Your pics are just beautiful, and you can post more if you'd like.


  7. Wendy, I am so happy for you!!! It looks like you have been having such an amazing time!!! I love seeing all of your pictures and I can't wait to catch up when you get home. Take care (((Hugs)))

  8. Looks like a great trip! I know you were so happy to see your son! Glad to see you managed to get in a movie reference in your post :-)
    Love ya!

  9. Ohhhhhh your post and pictures brought back so many wonderful memories for me. My husband and I were stationed in Frankfurt, Germany 1967 - 1970 and I have walked exactly where you were and seen all those wonderful sites. I loved Germany, Holland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, etc. Made me a little homesick to see it all again. Thank you so much for sharing your trip with us.

  10. Lovin' your escapade! I feel like I'm right there tasting all the delicious pastries! Your descriptions are delightful!

    PS: Yes, this is an ugly card, I admit it. I'm sure I could top you though. My first stuff was hideous without trying!


  11. Lovin' your escapade! I feel like I'm right there tasting all the delicious pastries! Your descriptions are delightful!

    PS: Yes, this is an ugly card, I admit it. I'm sure I could top you though. My first stuff was hideous without trying!


  12. Lovin' your escapade! I feel like I'm right there tasting all the delicious pastries! Your descriptions are delightful!

    PS: Yes, this is an ugly card, I admit it. I'm sure I could top you though. My first stuff was hideous without trying!

