Saturday, June 11, 2011

Craft Project Central #4

I am sooo blown away by the wonderful projects the designers at Craft Project Central are coming up with this month!! This one comes from Kim Score, and she is using my new favorite stamp set, Fabulous Florets. Isn't this gorgeous??? A seed keeper and journal for your garden. GREAT idea!!! For instructions on how to create this lovely ensemble, hop on over to CPC and subscribe to June ... lots of cool stuff going on there!

My Mojo seems to have gone on hiatus ... I'm hoping to find it soon!! If anyone sees it, could you please point it in the right direction and send it back to me?? Thank, ever-so-much!! Smiley from


  1. maybe your mojo and mine have absconded together - LOL. Hope someone finds them soon.

  2. What beautiful flowers done in beautiful colors!

    Your mojo is there...look under the party goods you probably have out from school getting out for the end of the year. I'm sure you celebrated it with the kids.

    He IS Able,
    Traci S.
    Big Blog-o-versary Candy-signed up?

  3. hoping your mojo comes home quickly...we all need to refresh ourselves sometime! right...
