Saturday, May 5, 2012


I seem to be losing track of myself!! I had EVERY intention of doing a blog post yesterday ... in fact, at some point I thought I had actually done it (at least in the back of my mind!). I went as far as opening the "new post" window and everything ... then? Nothing!! I got distracted/sidetracked and moved on to something else. I think having had teenagers for so long has finally affected me permanently!! Sheesh!!

Smiley from

Two more "dude" cards. I really need to make something "pretty" and "girlie" ... but I do like how this first one turned out. It DOES have a LOT of layers, though. I went looking around for a sketch idea, and before I knew what had happened I had layered this baby up but GOOD!! I made it for my nephew ... who is a flight instructor. Who ALSO happened to give me my first flying lesson last Saturday! Pretty cool, eh? I seriously felt like my head was gonna explode from all the information he gave me, though. LOTS to learn, I tell ya!! But, pretty exciting!!

Stamps:  Plane & Simple, Perfectly Penned
Paper:  Early Espresso, Soft Suede, Very Vanilla, Crumb Cake, Mocha Morning DSP, First Edition DSP
Ink:  Early Espresso
Accessories:  Paper Piercing Tool/Mat Pack, Early Espresso Baker's Twine, Oval Cutter, Small Binder Clip

This card is for my cousin's son. He turned 14 this past week. I made the car paper myself, too!! LOVE using MDS to create patterned paper. I don't do it nearly enough. And it is SOOOO helpful when trying to come up with "dude" ideas...

Stamps: Daring Adventure, Adventure Awaits (Stamp Brush Set from MDS)
Paper:  Early Espresso, Soft Suede, Crumb Cake, Very Vanilla
Ink:  Early Espresso, Soft Suede
Accessories:  Neutrals Buttons, Paper Piercing Tool/Mat Pack, Linen Thread, Paper Distressing Tool

Smiley from I had a cortisone shot in the bottom of my foot on Thursday. I wasn't too worried about it, as I had had three others there before we finally decided to go the surgical route. Since my foot was/is STILL so numb/hypersensitve (I'm about 9 weeks post op and still pretty uncomfortable), the doc figured that this could help me along. Can you say OWWWWWIIIIIEEEEE???? I know it only lasted a minute or so (felt like WAYYY longer), but I SWEAR I thought I was gonna die!! In fact, I pulled BOTH of my triceps from gripping the arms of the chair (took me a minute yesterday to figure out why they were both so dang sore!!). By the time I was done my hands shook for about 15 minutes ... and I was a little goofy in the head. At this point I kinda limped out of the office dazed ... "Thank you," I said. Thank you????!!?? YIKES!! Hope I don't have to THAT again any time soon ... or EVER!! Good news is that it seems to have helped my foot. Still have numbness and hypersensitivity, but at least I don't feel like I have something stuck to the bottom of my foot all the time. YAY!! Now if I could just get rid of the feeling that there is something stuck between my toes, I'd be doing GREAT!! Patience ... sigh ...


  1. So sorry about your foot. I know the "forgetfull" thingy. Had to chuckle - did you mean car paper for the background???

    You are so full of energy - love checking in on your blog. Have a GREAT day!

  2. Nice catch, Judi!! Yeah ... I DID mean car paper!! Glad you caught it ... guess that's what happens when you are doing a blog post at 5:00 a.m.!! :)

  3. Love, love the masculine cards! And so sorry about your foot. I have foot issues too and it is very aggravating. Have a great weekend. Blessings, Diane

  4. Both these cards are lovely "dude" cards. Great job! Cheers Karren

  5. Wow! I have yet to start on my Mother's Day cards and here you are already into June...LOL! Great cards...thanks for sharing! And a big LOL on the senility part...I'm way past having a excuses...ugh! Glad your foot is progressing and hope the moms continue on the good side as well...

  6. These cards are AMAZING!! I love them both, but the airplane one is my fav. Thanks sooo much for inspiring us with your dude cards!!
