My dear, sweet mom has been struggling with health issues the past couple of years. We have made manyMANY trips to the doctor's office (several DIFFERENT doctors, actually) and the hospital. Darn heart wouldn't cooperate!! The wonderful doctors who have been caring for her were FINALLY able to get her heart in a happy place after placing a pacemaker about 6 weeks ago. HOORAY!! She has been doing soooo much better ... and just in time for the holidays!!!
While she was in having an ablation a couple of months ago, I made this layout ... I realized when my dad died a couple of years ago that I had hardly ANY pictures of the two of us together (at least any where I was over 10 years old!). I have made a concerted effort to take pictures of me and my mom together since then ... and this is one of my favorites, taken last Christmas Day. Doesn't she look beautiful and happy??? Love you, Mom ... so grateful to have you as part of my life!!
NOW ... back to the Christmas Card Pile ... I'm getting closer!!

This is a beautiful layout and an even more beautiful picture.
Great picture of you and your Mom. You are so lucky to have her.
Have a good weekend.
Fabulous picture and I know that pain of a sick parent and also no recent pictures. Wishing you all the very best of health and more pictures!
Such a lovely, treasure!!! You are so blessed to still have your mother & and am so happy she's doing better.
A gal always needs her mom....I miss mine so very much!! Good job!!!
Love this LO and Picture...
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