New favorite "toy" ... er, ummm ... I mean TOOL??? The Envelope Punch Board. OhMyGoodness!! This thing is freakin' AMAZING!! Not only can you make ENVELOPES in a TON of sizes (squares AND rectangles), but you can turn the "envelope" into an actual CARD (which is what I did with this little "Boo!" card!).
AND ... I used MDS in conjunction with my eCutter (yeah ... I still use my Cricut with the now-illegal-to-buy-software that was involved in a not-to-be-mentioned-lawsuit ... but I bought it BEFORE it disappeared from the market, so I am still usin' it!). The spiders and the "Boo!" are from MDS ... it is so much fun to be able to "size" things the way ya wanna!!
Here it is all opened up. Truthfully, I didn't do much to it on the inside because the back side of the DSP just so happened to look kinda COOL when I opened this up. So I just added a teeny-tiny panel for the "sender" to sign the inside! (that would be ME!) Pretty cool, eh?
Stamps: None!
Paper: Basic Black, Very Vanilla, Pumpkin Pie, Witches' Brew DSP
Ink: Black Sharpie (to color rhinestones)
Accessories: Envelope Punch Board, Label Bracket Punch, 1 3/8" Circle Punch, 1 1/4" Circle Punch, Burlap Ribbon, Linen Thread, Large Rhinestone Basics, Rhinestone Basics, Crush Curry Chevron Ribbon, Woodgrain Textured Impressions Embossing Folder, Paper Sanding Block, Cricut (or any eCutter will work!)
MDS: Spooky Things (Spider), Spooky Bingo Bits (Boo!)
Click on the "Back" button to check out Melissa Stout's beautiful creation, or on the "Next" button to check out Amy O'Neill's awesome project!

very clever, love it. I don't have my envelope punch board yet, but ordered it tonight. I can hardly wait to receive it.
Love this card! The spiders add the perfect touch!
Love, love, love this!What a fun way to use the envelope punch board!I need to get one! The spiders are adorable!
Very fun, Wendy! What a cute way to get more use out of the envelope punch board.
So fun and creative! I love your little spiders and the burlap!
that's a cute project! love the spider :) even though NOT my favourite in real life!
Good gracious, this is adorable! You are my Halloween idol...always the most fab projects!
I have my punch board and love it, just have not played with it enough! Those spiders on the BOO! card are spectacular...look like they really are crawling around on the card...fabulous! And the DSP provides a great inside to your don't need anything else!
Great idea! I will have to copy your idea. And I had to laugh, because I have the same e-cutter and software.
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