Cut. Stamp. Emboss. Adhere. Repeat ... Cut. Stamp. Emboss. Adhere. Repeat ... Cut. Stamp. Emboss. Adhere. Repeat ...
It's TWO WEEKS until Convention!! EEEEeeeeep!!!! I have SOOOO much on my schedule between now and then that I'm having a VERY hard time fitting SLEEP in there!!! I'm-a tryin', but it seems the hurry-ed-er I go, the behind-er I get!!!!
Soooo ... during the next two weeks I have to make/finish: (A) 72 little gifties for the "Secret Sister" exchange we are doing for girls camp (yep! Going there again this year ... actually NEXT WEEK! And, of course, I volunteered to spearhead this particular project ... again ... which means I make a little "something" for each girl (that's 24!) for each full day we are at camp (which is 3 days!)! We leave for camp next Tuesday, and head back home next Friday morning ... at least THIS set of projects is nearly done ...
(Yeah ... I actually got to FLY ... as in PILOT ... a B-17 last summer ... because I am THAT cool!!)
MDS Downloads: Stamps - Downtown Grunge, Splatters (Ink Splatters); Paper - Be Yourself; Embellishments - Downtown Grunge (frame, tape, note tag, square stitching), Shaped Clips, Mis-Stitched, Basic Black Brads.
Fonts: LiSong Pro.
THEN, I hafta make (B) TWELVE different projects for the Convention Display Boards. Stampin' Up is trying something "new" this year ... they had demonstrators apply as "teams" to be in charge of each of the Display Boards this year. The team "captain" submitted their name and their team name ... then Stampin' Up randomly drew out names of teams who were selected to participate. I have TWO teams that got picked on which I am a member ... one of them has asked me to make TWO things ... the OTHER has me making TEN things ... NONE of which I have started ... are we seeing the dilemma here??? Since I am GONE for four days next week ... and Convention starts the week after THAT ... AND I have to work next Monday and the following Monday and Wednesday ... I am REALLY DEADLINING here, people!!! THIS is what I get for "proCRAFTinating"!!! (My own dumb fault!!)!!
On top of THAT, I have to make (C) TWO sets of 16 swaps for the Control Freaks (one of the HIGHLIGHTS of Convention for me is meeting up with my Control Freak-y friends!!)!! AND did I mention that the Monday Montage girls are ALSO doing a swap in which I am participating??? That's my (D) item on my list!! Busy!Busy!Busy!! Stamp!Stamp!Stamp!!!
(More flying ... each summer we go with several of our flying friends - aka EAA Chapter 23 members - to different locations to do Young Eagle rallies ... opportunities to give kids from the ages of 8-18 the experience of flying! SOOOO much fun!)
MDS Downloads: Stamps - Adventure Awaits, Sentimental Journey; Paper - Travel Journal; Embellishments - Antique Brads.
Fonts: Aurora Cn BT (Title), Boulder (Text).
Sooo ... needless to say, putting things on my blog this week has fallen to the bottom of the list ... kinda ... which is why I am sharing some MDS layouts I did a while back. The common thread for these is "aviation" ... I didn't do these at the same time, so they are all quite different ... but they DO all have airplanes in them!
(My daughter and I have named this airplane "Clifford" ... as in "Clifford the Big Red Plane" ... my husband doesn't love it, but we don't care!! We use the name anyway!!)
MDS Downloads: Stamps - Decorative Overlays (Grid); Paper - Convention 2012, Polka Dot Parade; Embellishments - Sunshine & Sprinkles (Sun and Clouds), Hodgepodge Hardward (Clip Assortment-Library Clip; Designer Brad); Punches - Circle, Square.
Fonts: Chalkduster.
I need to put my nose back to the grindstone. I am HOPING to get my display board samples mostly done by tomorrow night ... THEN I might find some time on Saturday and/or Sunday to start working on some swaps!! Sigh ... I promise, this really IS fun ... kinda ... if only I had more TIME!!! Eeeek!!

I love these layouts!! Such lovely pages and so well embellished!
Good luck to you with all your craft deadlines- and enjoy it! :D
I totally love your layouts, Wendy. My husband fly a B-17 as a fire bomber back in the 70's. I'm looking forward to seeing the displays at convention.
Well, you are just "That Cool"! What an awesome experience to fly the B-17!! We have a good friend who flys one for the Commerative airforce here in TX. Your page layouts for all of the airplane pages is great. It's so much fun sharing activities like volunteering with friends! Stay "Cool"!
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