I kind of have a love/hate relationship with my computer . . . can't live with it, can't live without it! I will not bore y'all with details, but needless to say I killed not one but TWO computers last weekend (veerrrryyy looonnng story!) I've been dying to share something with you, and now that I have at least one working computer, here it is . . .
Remember a few months back when the Color Challenges on SCS reached 100? The prize for the 100th challenge was a lovely book that contained all 100 of the Color Challenges in it. My friends and I "ooohhed" and "aaaahhhed" over how neat it was. Then we got to thinking . . . wouldn't it be great to have a sketch challenge book with the first 100 sketches in it??? We promptly set the idea aside, as it was a little too overwhelming. Well, Shellee, Cheryl and I finally decided to jump in with both feet and make them. We were so pleased with how they were turning out that we decided that they were worth sharing. So, thanks to the creative genius of my dear friends (and a little input from me) here they are!!!

We are offering these books for $49.95 (which includes shipping inside the US - rates for outside the US will be calculated on a order-by-order basis). You may pay with a check, money order or a Pay Pal (non-credit card funded) payment. Checks or money orders can be mailed to:
Wendy Weixler
313 "E" Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84103
Pay Pal payments can be sent via e-mail to ronandwendy85@smartfella.com. Any questions should also be directed to my e-mail.
The covers pictured above are the samples we have made thus far, but we're gonna get creative and switch them up and make new ones, 'cause that sounds more fun!!!
We may be nuts for trying this, but we definitely felt they were fun enough to share!
wow...great books, good luck with your business adventure!
Ilove this book. I'm going to havde to pop over to SCS and start a thread about it.
these are fabulous! I can't imagine how much work they are. Love them!!
So this is the secret, what a wonderful idea. Good Luck.
I think the SCS thread is a good Idea. How many are you prepared to Make? Hmm..
Hey I think they're great!!!
Don't let anyone get you down about it....you went through the right channels and the books are beautiful!
I didn't even START the thread and I ended up causing a fuss!! Sheesh! Looks like it has turned around though, so I guess it's okay. As to how many . . . we'll just play that one by ear!!
Those books are beautiful!!!! You did a wonderful job on them!!!
Wow those look great!
wow they look great wendybelle.so glad to have finally made it to your blog awesome kimmmiek
AWESOME!! I want one!! I will have to tell my dh about this one since my bd is on sunday ;o) I guess I made it in here just in time!! Wishing you the best in all you do!!!
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