It's time for my FAVORITE time of year ... FALL!! And the Freaks are doin' it in style, baby!! You should have just come from the splendiferous blog of Gretchen Barron ... WOWZA!! Her style is sooo wonderful, don'tcha think??

For any of you have are regular followers here, you know I've been playing a LOT with framed art ... particularly ones that have letters on blocks in them, like this one!! Being such a "FREAK" about Halloween, I KNEW I was gonna create this quite some time ago. And given my blog name, it's pretty appropriate, don'tcha think??

Lookie my Witchipoo!!! I {{heart}} witches!!

And this broomstick makes me all kinds of happy ... the broom bristles are actually created with the owl punch (shut UP!) and the new Simply Scored tool. Saw this idea somewhere else a while back and just HAD to make one of my own!! And the Candy Corn Witch??? Nichole Bair did an awesome swap recently with that great idea in there!! LOVE it!!
Stamps: Dark and Dreary, Wicked Cool, House of Haunts (Bats were created with Spooky Bingo Bits in MDS)
Paper: Frightful Sight DSP (printed from MDS), Cajun Craze, Old Olive, More Mustard Whisper White, Regals Patterned Paper, Basic Black
Ink: Old Olive, Cajun Craze, Basic Black, White Gel Pen
Accessories: Serif Essentials Bigz Dies, Spiderweb, Perfect Polka Dots and Elegant Lines Textured Impressions Folders, Wide (Large) Oval Punch, 1" Square Punch, 1" Circle Punch, 1 3/8" Circle Punch, 1/2" Circle Punch, Petite Pennants Builder Punch, Rhinestone Basics, Old Olive Scalloped Ribbon, Whisper White Bakers' Twine, Linen Thread, Pinking Hearts Border Punch, Whisper White Taffeta Ribbon, Dimensionals, 11"x14" Picture Frame

After making this card with my "borrowed" stamps, methinks they are gonna find their way into my own private stash VERY soon! (Don't worry, Kimmie ... I WILL give yours back ... eventually!)
Stamps: Gently Falling, Petite Pairs
Paper: Very Vanilla
Ink: Cajun Craze, Pumpkin Pie, Peach Parfait, More Mustard, So Saffron, Daffodil Delight, Soft Suede, Early Espresso
Accessories: Soft Suede Taffeta Ribbon, Pearl Basics, Dimensionals, Sponges

Stamps: Day of Gratitude
Paper: More Mustard, Pool Party, Spice Cake DSP
Ink: Early Espresso
Accessories: Simply Scored Tool, Lace Trim, Triple Layer Blossom Punch, More Mustard Button, Linen Thread, Stripes and Perfect Polka Dots Textured Impressions Folders, Early Espresso Striped Grosgrain Ribbon
Next?? Go check out Connie Babbert!! She is a stampin' GENIUS!!!

I am speechless. Those cards are stunning, gf.
I love love love the picture frame.Can you tell me what size picture frame it is I would love a tutorial if you can do it I would pay for it. Michelle wrobele@netnitco.net
AWESOME! Definately Wicked Cool!! debra
Oh....Lordy...these are absolutely FABULOUS!!! We were on the same wavelength!
I so love the Wicked frame and witches are my favorite,again great frame. thank you so much for sharing it with us. Tutorial would be great and I too would gladly pay for it.
Love the wicked-would've made that on Saturday too!
Another amazing framed art piece!! Love the falling leaves card with the fab shading!
You out did yourself once again Wendy! I LOVE all your projects! The frame came out beyond my expectations. Your fall card is beautiful. Do you mind if I case it for my team swap next week? Oh BTW, I'll need my stamp set back for that. LOL! And I love your medallion card. Not so hard huh. I made twenty of them for my wreath. No they're not hard they're just tedious when you make more than one or two.
Love ya back. And anytime. Isn't that what friends are for?
Happy Stampin'!
Kim Smith
Your from is wicked Wendy!!! Love it! I'm with aubri adn would have made that one too on saturday!! Thanks again for a great time and for sharing all your amazing ideas!! Can't wait to show Nichole!!
Wow! There are so many amazing details on that frame! I love, love it!
Love all your projects! The frame piece is totally awesome! May have to try this myself!! Thanks for the inspiration!
Enjohing your projects...but that Frame....FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!
Love the Cards and I am in love with the framed art!! Great Detail in all of it! I am a new follower.
Oh... Love the blog name too!!
You rocked this month's tour BIG time!! xoxo
All three cards are awesome. I especially love the falling leaves card. The balance between the blank space and the images is just perfect. Great work.
simply amazing! how creative that you turned that owl punch upside to make a broom!! awesome job on everything!!
Your framed art piece is totally wicked. Love the owl broom.....what a neat trick. Your cards are stunning too! TFS
Oh, be still my heart!!! So lovely and clever, you amaze me!! TFS!
WOW! I love your Wicked Witches!! Please hold a class for this one (on a Saturday that I can come!)
Awesome!!! I love it all but it still amazes me when I see what all that owl punch can become! Can you please share the size of the frame? Keep up the great work and thanks so much for sharing.
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