Eighty-eight!!! 88 is GREAT!!! My son was BORN in '88 ... which makes no sense since that would make him 28, and I'm only 27!!! Welcome to Monday Montage!!! We have a LOT of fun things to share this week! And I'm using a bunch of NEW things!! How HAPPY is THAT???
I am a sucker for anything that looks like a baking image ... or a kitchen appliance image ... I think I have bought EVERY single stamp set I've ever seen from Stampin' Up in this genre!! What can I say??? They just make me HAPPY!!! And I've been baking the last few days, so it fits RIGHT in with my current mood!
Stamps: Perfect Mix
Paper: Chocolate Chip, Watermelon Wonder, Whisper White, Tasty Treats Specialty DSP
Ink: Chocolate Chip
Accessories: Stitched Shapes Framelits Dies, Sealed With Love Embellishments, 3/8" Burlap Ribbon, Mini Stapler
I'm gearing up to climb HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of flights of stairs next Saturday as part of a fundraiser to aid cancer research (Outclimb Cancer Challenge!)!! I did a 15.29-mile run yesterday ... I'm getting there!!! Bring on the stairs!!
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