Here Come Da Freaks!! It's once again time to hop around the blogs of some of the Control Freaks, and I have to admit that I have as much fun seeing what they come up with as you do. I'm still so honored to be part of the fun!! (The tour officially starts tomorrow - September 20 - but I posted a little early to make sure all my links were working!)

The theme for this month's hop is anything Fall . . . Halloween . . . or Thanksgiving. I absolutely LOVE this time of year! The colors, the holidays - all of it. This first little pocket card (it is a 4.25" square) was really fun to create. Isn't this turkey just adorable? I used the scallop border punch to create the elements framing him as well. The scalloped square started out as a piece of 3 1/8" square piece of cardstock; the Really Rust frame was a 2 1/2" square, and the center was punched out with the 1 3/4" circle punch.

A little hint for the ribbon . . . I used the horizontal slot punch on the right-hand-side fold and slid a small piece of the ribbon through it and around the right side of the circle, then used a glue dot to secure it. I also wrapped the ribbon around the left-hand side of the card and through the left-hand side of the circle. (Pretty much brilliant, don't you think??)
Stamps: Gobble, Gobble; Autumn Days
Paper: Sahara Sand, Really Rust, Chocolate Chip, Very Vanilla
Ink: Chocolate Chip, Really Rust, Pumpkin Pie, So Saffron
Accessories: Scallop Border Punch, 1 3/4" Circle Punch, 1/2" Circle Punch, Vintage Brad, Pumpkin Pie Striped Grosgrain Ribbon

And this is the COOLEST stamp set!! Creepy has never looked so gorgeous! I created the spider web using the 1/4" black grosgrain ribbon. I just "frayed" the ribbon and tied it to look like a web and secured it on the back of the Rich Razzleberry layer with adhesive. Cool, eh? (I think I already said that!)
Stamps: From the Crypt, Sanded, Teeny Tiny Wishes
Paper: Basic Black, Rich Razzleberry, So Saffron, Very Vanilla
Ink: Basic Black (Classic and Craft)
Accessories: Circle Scissor, Clear Embossing Powder, Large and Small Tag Punches, 1/4" Black Grosgrain Ribbon, Paper Piercing Tool, Sponge

And last, but not least . . . remember a couple of years ago when we all HAD to have these little "dollar spot" mailboxes?? And we all bought, like, INFINITY of 'em? They are still gathering dust in bags and on shelves . . . admit it . . . you KNOW they are still there!! I decided to dust one off and give it a new life!!

Since I couldn't leave this little mailbox empty, I ran over to the store and bought some suckers (I LOVE that fall also means caramel apple suckers! YUM!!). The sucker was kinda big, so this cover is about 3" square . . .
Stamps: Pumpkin Patch, Teeny Tiny Wishes
Paper: Pumpkin Pie Print Pattern Designer Series Paper, To the Nines Designer Series Paper, Chocolate Chip, Whisper White, Close to Cocoa
Ink: Basic Black, Chocolate Chip, Pumpkin Pie, Old Olive
Accessories: Scallop Square Punch, Designer Label Punch, Curvy Label Punch, Wide Oval Punch, Slit Punch, Pumpkin Pie and Chocolate Chip Corduroy Buttons, 5/8" and 1/4" Chocolate Chip Grosgrain Ribbon, 1/2" Dusty Durango Polka Dot Grosgrain Ribbon, Texture Plates Kit #4, Little Leaves Sizzlit Die, Pop-Up Glue Dots
Thanks for stopping by . . . here is a link to the ever-amazing Brandi Wiggins-Côté. She is gonna knock your socks off!