I know, I know ... y'all are probably gettin' kinda tired of me singing "Praises to MDS" ... I have found it to be an insomniacs BEST FRIEND!! I can craft in the middle of the night without making noise, turning on lights or leaving a mess that will invariably have to be cleaned up by ME in the morning!!
I really LOVE black and white photography. This is one of my favorite photos EVER of my daughter ... it was taken in July (she has since had her hair cut to just above her shoulders ... very cute! But, I digress ...). I just love the wistful look on her face! (Thanks to Stacy at Three Winks Studio for taking this!)

Layout #2 is of Son #2 ... I took this photo of him last fall. I was really proud of the way it turned out. He LOVES hats. He ALWAYS has. We nicknamed him "Hat Man" when he was really little. He was one of the few babies I have EVER seen that would let you put a hat on his head and then KEEP it there!! When he was about 5 his favorite hat was a 'coon-skin-a'la-Davy Crocket hat.

He is really in to "old man" hats at the moment. This is one of his favorites. He actually looks GOOD in a hat!! I, on the other hand, just think that a hat and a ponytail = a shower, so that is the most useful thing about hats, as far as I am concerned (even if I don't look as good in one as my son does!)

Layout # 3 is of Son #1 ... this is a picture that a friend took of him when they were watching the sunset at some castle ruins in Germany. Isn't this just the COOLEST picture?? (I had to spend some time Photoshopping it to get the foreground to a place where you could actually see him, instead of just the outline of his head!). My dad referred to this picture as the one where "Devan is commanding the sun to rise!"

Hehehehe! That will always be a happy memory for me whenever I look at this picture.
Have a glorious-ly autumn-a-licious weekend! We will be doing the annual Weixler Apple Pressing Day (we usually press over 300 gallons of apple juice). It is a TON of work, but a TON of fun!!

You have really done a great job using the new My Ditigal Studio. All of the pages are fabulous.
I am a SU Demonstrator and new to Digital Scrapbooking. Your pages are amazing and quite an inspiration! Thanks for sharing.
Love the pages and the photos. You are fabulously talented!
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