I took this photo of my kids one lovely Easter sunday. The lighting was just right, the setting was fantastic and the kids looked sooo great (don't you agree??)!! Just can't believe how grown up they had become. Maybe I will have to make them get dressed up and take them where this photo was taken so we can do a revisit ... which will probably make me melancholy all over again!!
We are still playing at Disneyland. Spent all day yesterday soaking up the sun (and some WATER!! I got absolutely WATERLOGGED on Grizzly Rapids. So much so that we had to go back to the hotel about 4 hours later so I could change my shoes ... my right one was still "squishy" and my foot had become a raisin!) .

We get to play for half a day today before heading back ... sigh ... good times!
This layout is CRAZY loud, don'tcha think? The color scheme is NUTS!! (Never thought I would EVER touch Orchid Opulence again!). My son was in LOVE with this purple suit. Bought the pants and jacket at a local thrift store to make the costume he needed for their school's production of "Guys & Dolls." Dyed them in the washing machine with some good ol' Rit dye. He was sooo happy with how it all turned out that he wore this get-up (and the two-tone black and white shoes we ALSO found at the thrift store) to church on occasion until he outgrew it all. I loved that he loved it so much ... great memories!
Wanna learn how to create fun digital stuff? Check out THIS LINK and come and play with Jan and me ... we are having such a great time!!
Off to the Magic Kingdom ... as Tigger would say "TTFN ... Ta-Ta for Now!"

Great post, like always! I am very much impressed with your work..
Beautifully done Wendy...happy to hear both Mom's are getting better - prayers answered for sure!
Paper Hugs,
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