This is the second card I swapped with my Freaky Friends ... and I almost didn't get 'er done!! Although I KNEW that we were supposed to swap last Thursday at lunch in the Gathering Place), I hadn't had the chance to get started on these until Thursday morning. I had everything cut out and embossed, but took my materials to the back of the Main Stage room and sat on the floor ... in a DRESS no less ... and stamped, cut, pierced and pearlized theses babies almost right up 'til the very last moment!! I had SOOO many people stop and ask if they could take my picture (they thought it was funny that I was stamping in the back of the room in the near-dark!). I am happy to report that many of them also took pix of this card (with my earlier-posted butterfly one) because they liked it as well. Just glad that I got 'em done!!

Stamps: Teahouse, Elizabeth, Fantastic Phrases
Paper: Cookie Crumb, Cherry Cobbler, Early Espresso, Very Vanilla
Ink: Cherry Cobbler, Early Espresso
Accessories: Perfect Polka Dots Textured Impressions Folder, Modern Label Punch, Large Oval Punch, Pearl Stickers, 5-Petal Flower Punch, 1/2" Circle Punch, BItty Circle Punch, Ribbon Trim Border Punch, Chocolate Chip Grosgrain Ribbon, Paper Piercing Tool, Dimensionals

Your card looks so pretty, nice job, even on the floor. You look great in your picture as well, so glad you had such a great time.
Wendy, I LOVE this card!!!! The colors, the textures....you aced this one!!
*Tink & Bell* ...love that too!!!
Wow! I think this card is GORGEOUS!! I LOVE that Teahouse stamp!! I can see so many Vintage possibilities with it! You made me laugh with your "stampin on the floor" story...sounds like something I would do! :o)
This card is just to die for!!! I'm starting to re-think this Demo thing I keep having gals trying to talk me into. and you're right---you 2 are just the cutest Tan/Jink team!!
Hey Wendy~
So happy that you have just had one adventure after another! So glad to finally "meet" Jan aka Tink.
This card is wonderful! It doesn't look like it was put together at the last minute at all! LOL Just joking with you-gf! It does look great. I know from experience that sometimes, the less time I have to put a card together the better it will come out...because I don't second guess every little thing.
I'm going to go back and see what I missed while I was on my trip. I hope you included lots of new ideas!
He IS Able,
Traci S.
I've been debating, back-n-forth, on these very stamps. Thanks for solving that dilemma for me with such a beautiful card!!! Another home-run...you must be batting like 890!! xoxo
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