Next, MY FREAKS!! Words cannot even BEGIN to describe how much I {{HEART}} these friends ... not even CLOSE!! We hugged, laughed, swapped, talked, and had lunch together. WHAT AN AWESOME AND INSPIRING GROUP!! So many of our Freaks were recognized for their achievements last night during the Awards Night festivities. Achievements in sales, recruiting, leadership ... I am so blessed to be a part of this group. I am humbled by their talent, example and kindness ... love you guys!!
And this is me ... of course ... FINALLY with a legitimate "Freak" sign for our swap during lunch (being only 5 feet tall makes it necessary for me to stand on a chair to be seen, I guess!). I actually created this sign in MDS right after Convention last year ... decided that throwing together a sign on an old piece of cardstock with a very dry sharpie just didn't cut it for this group any more!!
I look kinda like a "photo bomber" in this one ... I was sitting right next to Cheryl, but for some reason I look like I am waaayyy behind her and Emilie in this one ... Convention would not be complete without my "home girls" nearby ...

These are my buddies for our "All Things Stampin' Up" Facebook page. Sooo fun to be able to hook up in the "real world" with my online friendies. We went to lunch at Red Rock, too!! FUNFUNFUN!!
What in the world am I doing here, do you ask??? Basking in the glow of Shelli Gardner, CEO and Cofounder of Stampin' Up. How AWESOME it was to be able to go up on stage and be recognized ... and to stand RIGHT NEXT to Shelli!! Holy COW!! (And how FUN is it that we all get to go to DINNER with her tonight???)
Here is a better picture of the whole group of the 2012 Artisan Design Team ... at least you can see everyone's faces in this one (Shelli isn't in this one, sadly ...)
Yep!! It's official!! Isn't this LEGIT??? Beautiful bracelet we each received from OC Tanner ... Don't know if I'm EVER gonna wanna take this one off!! (The heart is all lacey and scroll-y looking on the front side ... just love that it says this on the back, though!!)
Words cannot describe how much I LOVE this woman!! (And the fact that we can look each other in the EYE!! She only looks taller than me here because she had on higher heels!!) Mindy Backes ... I only wish that she had been on the stage with us ... sooo deserving for all of her talent!! Thanks for being my early-morning running buddy this week ... and for just plain ol' being my friend!!
This is "my" Sarah (Sarah Dial)... have known her since she was in junior high school and a new friend of my oldest son. Until just a few weeks ago she was also working at Stampin' Up. When she found out I had won Artisan, she made it a point to come and see me (and a few other of her close friends) get honored last night. I sooo treasure her friendship (she is like a daughter to me).
What a great way to end our day ... mousse, anyone??? These are from the after party last night ... I coulda just stood at this table and worked my way around it ... MANY times!! YUM!!
Another swap to share ... this is for my last swap today. I need to get hustling if I'm gonna run with Mindy, do a bit of house maintenance and get myself ready to make it over to the Convention center by 9 (glad it is a little later this morning!). Thanks to so many of you who have gone out of your way while at Convention to come over and say hi to me (and wishing me a hearty congrats!). I appreciate you more than you know!!
Stamps: Happy Hour
Paper: Basic Black, Whisper White, Polka Dot Parade DSP
Ink: Basic Black, Daffodil Delight, Gumball Green, Melon Mambo
Accessories: Apothecary Accents Framelits Die, Perfect Polka Dots Textured Impressions Folder, Daffodil Delight Stitched Grosgrain Ribbon, Extra Large Oval Punch, Dazzling Diamonds Glitter

Congrats on your award. I am a fellow SU demo and didn't make it to convention this year because of family vacation. (I went last year.) I regularly follow your blog and Mindy's blog. Thanks for posting all your pictures and updates from Convention.
Love the pictures.. looks like you are having quite the
celebration PAR-TAY!
Wendy, congratulations to you, I see your creations from time to time and you deserve it. Hugs, Bev TFS the details.
Loved meeting you and are an amazing woman, and even more amazing crafter!!!Sending good thoughts and prayers---
Pat Smith
Thanks for making me cry:-) I totally missed this yesterday!!! And what a great picture!!! I could not have been happier to be there cheering you on! And you looked adorable as ever!!!!! Here's looking at the eye my friend;-)
Congratulations! What an Honour! Great post with all the fabulous look darling in that dress. What fun celebrating with everyone and all you Control Freaks in one area! Love it! Can't wait to see more of your amazing creations!
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