A special thank you to all of you who have gone out of your way to say hello to me at Convention, comment on my blog and send me emails and messages on Facebook. Your support and kindness mean so very much to me. Again, I don't have enough words to begin to describe my gratitude. Thanks hardly seems enough, but it is heartfelt and sincere. You are all wonderful!
What a wonderful day yesterday!! It was fun that TWO of my besties won Prize Patrol during general sessions ... congrats to Cheryl and Emilie!! I have been skunked on Prize Patrol for at least the last four years ... I am hoping today is the day for orange checkered wristbands!!
The highlight of the day (and probably of all of Convention) was being able to go to dinner with Shelli & Sterling Gardner, as well as member from the Concept Artist Team from Stampin' Up. All of the new Artisan Design Team Members were there! How wonderful!! We had dinner at a local restaurant called Fleming's. Look at our beautiful place setting/menu!! We had a private room all to ourselves. The food was divine, the company was fantastic, and the evening was stellar!! I already love all these women!! (And Sterling, too!!)
I was sooo hungry that I didn't take a picture of each course as we went along, but I DID remember to get a photo of our cheesecake dessert (AFTER I had already taken a bite!). I was stuffed to the GILLS!!
And lookie what was in the little box at our place settings ... personalized Artisan Stamps!! I haven't EVER owned a personalized stamp!! How COOL!! What a treasure!
Sooo happy that we were able to get a group photo after dinner (although I kinda felt like I needed a hand truck to wheel me back to the Salt Palace!). Cindy Beach (the cute friend to my right) and I went strolling around the mall to see if we could walk off some of the 1,000,000 calories we just ate!! Starting in the front row (from left to right) - Erica Cerwin, Cindy Beach, ME; Second row - Heidi King, Jane Lee, Marisa Gunn, Heather Summers, Jeanna Bohanon, Sarah Sagert; Back Row - Holly Lunsford (Concept Artist for SU), Amy Yingling (SU Concept Artist Coordinator), Shelli Gardner!, Amy Schwartz (VP of Sales for SU), Amy Bollman
Mindy Backes and I are going to go running again this morning. It has been sooo much fun having her as an early-morning running buddy!! Gonna miss that girl when she goes home!!

One more day of Convention, and then it is back to reality. Too bad my family doesn't think my laundry skills are award worthy ... sigh ...
PS - Those of you looking for the Control Freaks Blog Tour hang tight ... we postponed the Tour since so many of the participants are here in Salt Lake City hanging out at Convention!! We will be flying high on the 27th this month!!

Wendy, I am so happy for you for being selected for the Artisan award. I love your work and follow your blog regularly. (I love your friend Jan Tink's work, too.)You truly deserve the award. I look forward to seeing what you create in the coming year. Enjoy convention!
Well I'm packing you in my suitcase so you can run with me every day! You just don't know it yet;-)
Congratulations Wendy! You are so talented! I'm excited to see your creations through the following year that you are going to stamp with that cool artisan stamp! You lucky dog! Love ya!
Kim Smith
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