And how could I go through the Convention experience without my alter ego, Jan??? (aka the GREAT JanTink!!). She has come to stay with me for the last four Conventions ... it's so much fun having a stampin' buddy on hand ... although I hafta admit I have been about as much fun as a wet sock every evening this week ... I actually went to bed at 8:30 last night ... woke up at about 12:30 a.m. and realized I was still fully dressed!!! How's THAT for wiped out??? We are gonna be doing some SERIOUS stamping today, though!! Can't WAIT!!
Fun announcements from this week:
My Digital Studio will be available for purchase on August 1!! (some of the content won't be quite ready, but will be available through a free upgrade as soon as it becomes available)
Tabletop Cutter will be available soon as well. We got to watch Shelli play with it. How many cutters does a girl REALLY need?? Apparently at least ONE more, as this one looks AWESOME!!
Convention 2013 - will be only three days instead of four (to make it easier for more people to come) AND will be open to demos from other countries to attend as well. YAY!! (Okay, Canada IS another country and they already come, but it will be fun to hook up with more of our foreign friendies next year)
This year on the Artisan Design Team is gonna be such a BLAST!! I'm sure next year's Convention will be here before we know it. I {{HEART}} STAMPIN' UP!!

I heart stampin up too! It was fun! thanks for everything!
Fun to share In your excitement Wendy...congrats on you award!
Paper Hugs,
Jan Castle in Salem, OR
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