A friend of mine posted a picture of a similar "Hocus Pocus" project on her Facebook page last week. I fell IN LOVE with it. Sadly, she said she had no pattern or anything, it was just something she had seen online somewhere and liked. Let's be clear, my friends ... I STAMP because I CANNOT draw. I'm NOT kidding!!! I STRUGGLE with stick figures ... and I'm NOT kidding!!! So this project seemed a bit daunting to begin with, but since the witches are a bit "abstract", I feel that this project is rather forgiving. I used 6" wide pieces of pine board (they are 1" thick ... the taller piece is about 22" high, and the shorter pieces are 18" high). I sketched in a VERY rough idea of each face on the boards to begin with (after I stained them, of course!). I worked backwards from the faces and just kinda "winged it" with the rest. The "I Smell Children" banner is only 1/2" thick ... I used my trusty Cricut and some vinyl to make a stencil, and then I painted the letters on to my stained board. I am SUPER happy with how this turned out!
This was pretty easy peasy ... whilst shopping at the local craft store a couple of months ago, I picked up this milk can for a SUPER good price. The other day, the fall "foliage" was on sale at same-said craft store. A few bits of trimming here and there and VOILA!!! Just needed to add a little checked ribbon as a bow and it was done!!! SUPER quick and easy!!
I plan on trying to do some paper crafting today ... I love when I have a little bit of time to play!!!

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